Wednesday, June 3, 2009

m.Kids get Popping

Want a super easy way to make a difference in the lives of struggling families in our area?

Keep your popcan tabs and bring them to Mosaic! Ronald McDonald House (RMH) in Charlotte collects Pop Tabs to recycle and uses the money to provide room and board for families who have sick children in the local hospitals. Mosaic will have a collection container for pop tabs in the children's check-in area soon. There just isn't an easier way to help families out than taking 2 seconds to pop a tab! Also, RMH is always looking for groups to provide and serve meals to families staying there- another wonderful opportunity for small group/Team service! For more info check out Ronald Mcdonald Charities website.

The first Ronald McDonald House opened in Philadelphia in 1974, and there are now more than 276 Ronald McDonald Houses in 32 countries around the world. More than 10 million families have been hosted at Ronald McDonald House facilities worldwide, and every night more than 10,000 beds are available for families away from home seeking medical treatment for their children.

Thanks Lorraine Manion for volunteering as Mosaic's "Pop top Ambassador!"

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