Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Discoverylane Wild Wild West!

Yippee Ti
Yi Yo—Jesus
Can Do
Kids are following a sequential view of God’s story from the Bible
throughout the year. During the third unit of the Winter Quarter,
your kids will hear miraculous stories from Jesus’ life that show
He can do anything! Relive the times when Jesus raised Lazarus
from the dead, healed a centurion’s servant, stilled a storm, and
gave sight to blind Bartimaeus.

Jesus can do anything! He always cares for me.

Jesus can do anything! I can ask Him for help.

Jesus can do anything! I can trust Him when I’m afraid.

Jesus can do anything!

Welcome to the Wild,Wild West! During this unit, your classroom will become
Yippee Ti Yi Yo Ranch.

The focal point of your teaching area is a campfire. Together we will explore the fact that Jesus can do anything! We can put our trust in Him Alone!