Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thank you!

Thank You for another Fantastic Sunday at Mosaic! I was away this weekend attending The Mosaic Refresh Retreat!! This was an awesome time for many ladies and I came away refreshed and renewed.
Great feedback from Mosaic Staff regarding the week You guys Rock! A special thank you to those of you who filled in for us while we were away. Start planning right now to attend the Refresh Retreat next Year!
Family Ministry Rocks!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sticky People Noted!

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Discoverylane @ Mosaic is one Sticky Team!
Sticky Volunteers are the ones who serve the families of Mosaic with a Heart to reach Kids with God's Love.
Some of you have been at it for a while!
Looking through Discoverylane Schedules over the last year it is easy to see those of you who continue to make an impact. Through thick and thin, the BIG relo, policy changes, leadership changes and room environments that keep it fresh you guys are committed in service.
It continues to be an exciting awesome year at Mosaic!
You guys are serving out of your passions, skills, and strengths and making a Huge impact on guests and family!
I am looking at this wonderful list of my friends and feeling very blessed.
A Big Shout Out to those of you who have been serving consistently for a long time, those we have added to our family recently, and check out the newest members on our Discoverylane Team joining us in Oct.
Every day I am looking at this list and praying and expecting God to add to our family. You guys are the greatest!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In the Beginning Jumping into God's Story

Jump In!

Over the course of the next year, our children will hear a sequential view of God's Story from the Bible. "In the Beginning " is an excellent curriculum developed by Willow Creek and used by thousands of children's ministries across the country.

We have just purchased "Jumping into God's Story". If you have been a volunteer in the Family ministry at Mosaic for a year or more you will recognize the format. During the next four weeks the format will stay the same. Each teacher will review the lesson section for your scheduled week and modify to teach the basics to your kids.

In five weeks we will take it up to the next level! Now that we are back in the cafeteria and have a large group area, we are kicking into high gear. Gary, a set up team volunteer, has agreed to design sets for each of the units. We will have similar props and stage design described in the curriculum. We want to create an environment for story time that is interesting and captures the attention of our great Kids. We will use props, drama, sound effects, and music to introduce great stories from the Bible that share the message of God's great love for us!

Do you love the teaching experience? I am searching for creative enthusiastic teachers to lead each unit and story time during your scheduled class. The basics will stay the same but the environment and activities will strengthen. Our main goal is to share the love of Jesus through stories from God's word that show and tell of his great love for us! The lesson is the most important part of our kids experience.

You can learn much more about the Mission/Vision and Guiding values here.

Be sure and check out this site! Whether you are a teacher, volunteer, nursery or Hub Team member it is a great idea to know all about what we desire for the families of Mosaic and their kids. Check It Out

Jump Into God's Story with us!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We are Family!

Who's in your circle? At Mosaic church you have the opportunity to be a part of a small group. Many of you already attend a small group on a weekly basis.
As a volunteer in Discoverylane you are more than a name in a timeslot on the monthly schedule! We are a part of a family too! You are an important member on our M. Kids Team. We desire to grow in relationship with one another as we serve together!
Each Sunday at 9:00 in the M.Kids hallway we meet for a brief time of prayer and encouragement. Be sure and join us as we share and grow in relationship. We are always here to support and encourage you and your family. Together we can help build up the families of Mosaic church.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jesus and His Friends

Our New Unit for Discovery Lane starts this week!
We will be focusing on Luke chapter 5-6.

During this unit, children will learn that:
God gives us friends
Each week, they will hear the same story of the friendship
between Jesus and His disciples. The application will change each lesson, focusing on what the children can do with their
friends, such as learn, worship, and spend time together.
Together we will explore Jesus and His Friend. Most of all we will Learn that Jesus wants to be our friend too!

In the Beginning . . . Growing into a Life of Faith

“Love one another.” John 13:34 Bible Verse

God gives us friends. Key Concept

I know you'll enjoy sharing the love of God with the children and families of Mosaic Church. We even have some surprises planned for the kids to make this the Best hour of our Kids week!

Classroom Helps for Volunteers (Activities, Songs, Finger plays)

Will you be a friend of Mine?

Sung To " Mary Had A Little Lamb" Will you be a friend of mine, Friend of mine, friend of mine? Will you be a friend of mine and (choose an action) around with me?

The more we get together
Sung to "Have you ever seen a lassie"
The more we get together, together, together
The more we get together, the happier will be.
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends,
The more we get together, the happier will be.

Jesus is our friend!
Sung to "London Bridges"
Jesus is our friend today
Clap your hands, shout hooray
Jesus is our friend today
We love Jesus!

Jesus is our friend today
Stomp your feet, shout hooray
Jesus is our friend today
We love Jesus!

Jesus is our friend today
Turn around, shout hooray
Jesus is our friend today
We love Jesus!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Spotlight: The Barrino Family

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The Volunteer Staff of Mosaic make it Happen! Without you we would not exist. Your hard work, relationship building, and dedicated service make us who we are. That's why we are shinning the spotlight on you!

Spend five minutes in the M. Kids hallway and you will see David and Alycia Barrino at their best. With smiling hearts they greet new families, introduce them to classrooms and teachers, and get them started in The Discovery Lane Experience.

David and Alycia along with their 2 children, James age 11, and Hailey age 7, have lived in the Charlotte area for 15 years. You will often find their children hard at work too! Making friends in Kidscape and serving with their parents in set up and break down. James is a part of the Kidscape Drama Team and attends the Mix.The Barrino Family has been serving together in our Family Ministry for nearly 2 years.

As a family the Barrino's enjoy spending time with one another. Playing games and growing together in relationship with Christ. "We like that Mosaic church is so family oriented," Alycia said. "It's the atmosphere, the love that we see here that makes this a great place to serve." Alycia serves as the Hub Team Leader for Discovery Lane.

Each Weekend the Barrinos work together as a team along other volunteers like you. They give of their time, skills, smiles, and hearts to create fabulous environments for the Families and Children of Mosaic Church. Thank you for your dedicated service, and awesome leadership. You guys set the standard!

Discovery Stations

A Big thank you to everyone who volunteers each week to create irresitible environments for the families of Mosaic! Here are some new pictures of Volunteers and kids discovering that church is a safe fun place to learn about God!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Irresistible Environments

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In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth.God set the ultimate standard for creating Irresistible environments!

Cascading watter falls, vibrant peacocks, brilliant fall leaves, stripped Zebras, glorious sunsets,vast oceans,
mountain snow caps.........
Maybe it's the atmosphere, the sights and sounds, or simply the mood that they create for us. They draw us, beckon us to come and experience!
We each have places, that we long for,
that for whatever reason are simply irresistible to us! For me, it's the cozy lounge in the back of a quiet bookstore, or the ocean at midnight under the stars. Maybe you are addicted to Starbucks, or a particular bed and breakfast in the mountains. It's the first restaurant you think of when someone asks where you would like to eat. A favorite resort vacation spot that calls to you in the spring or all the creativity of Disney!
The church should be the most irresistible place in our community.
Jesus Christ was and is completely irresistible!
When He walked this earth people were drawn to him! They came by the thousands. They climbed trees to get to him, pushed through crowds to touch his garments, tore off rooftops to lower in friends. They journeyed for days to hear His message, traveling long distances. The power of God at work through us is positively irresistible!
Our objective, our number one priority in Family Ministry, is to create amazing irresistible environments that provide an atmosphere where children and parents can become fully devoted, passionate followers of Christ Jesus. That's our job as Volunteers on Sunday Morning.
It's about Kids having a blast, in the safest, coolest environment ever, all while discovering the love that God has for them and their families.
At Creation, God started with a void and empty space. He didn't compare a dark empty world with the glory of Heaven and think "I can't do this with what I have here" Instead He set the stage for us by creating our wonderful environment! He filled it with things that would be irresistible!
God created the earth to connect with us!
We can create an irresistible environment for the families of Mosaic as they connect with God. If God can help Noah build and ark, the Israelites build a temple, and Nehemiah build a wall....
We can create an irresistible environment for Family Ministry!
Let's challenge ourselves to think creatively!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Our Vision in Family Ministry , the purpose of, both Discoverylane and Kidscape is to make passionate young followers of Christ.
As a part of "SEEK" focus of Mosaic Church, our main objective is to create environments where children and their families can be introduced to the love of Christ.
We carryout this objective by giving kids the opportunity to
KNOW the love of Jesus Christ
GROW in relationship with Him
GO into their world and share the love of Jesus with others

But what does this look like? How do we as a team of volunteers facilitate an environment that meets this objective? Each of us serves in different roles, with children of different ages and developmental stages. How can we work towards the same goal? Let's break it down together!
This I Know
Yes, Jesus loves Me!
Jesus (Infants, Toddlers, Early Twos)
Volunteers working with this age group use deliberate efforts to share the names Jesus and God with Kids. The intent at this age is to introduce little ones to the reality that God and Jesus Do exist! They need to hear these words repeated over and over.
Loves (Three, four, and five year olds)
Kids in this age group hear, see and learn about all that God and Jesus have done that makes them so great. They are wowed and fascinated by the marvelous wonders and miracles of Christ. With God's love as the most important foundation.
Me (Kindergarten and first grade)
This is a great age to tell the kids that the Jesus they have heard so much about wants to have a personal relationship with them! They can be a forever friend of Jesus! They are amazed that Jesus wants to take the punishment for all the wrong things that they do...He'll even help me make the right choices...Wow, now that's a friend!
This I Know (second and third grades)
Along comes a growing ability to read, cognitive abilities increase.
We continue to offer kids the opportunity to begin a relationship with Christ. Kids learn at this age what that relationship really involves. They learn that the Bible is a place they can turn with confidence when they want to learn more about Jesus, a relationship with him, and life as a christian.
Yes, Jesus Loves Me!
The opportunity to begin a relationship with Christ continues. In this age we prepare kids to have a boldness in their faith and beliefs. These are the beginning of strengths that will carry them trough a lifetime of challenges to come. "I can say no to wrong stuff and Yes to Jesus!"
Challenge yourself to step back and look at your role as a volunteer. How can you aid a child, assist a family, in the age group and area in which you serve? We are a team of people who create environments and work with families to set the stage for a child's spiritual development. We want all the children in our ministry to experience each of these steps to Christ.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mosaic Church M. Kids

This week the Families of Mosaic experienced our first Sunday At Mallard Creek. It was so exciting for parents and children alike. A brand new environment infused with enthusiastic volunteers, passionate worship, and brand new stuff for the kids! M. kids, from babies in Discovery Lane, toddlers and preschoolers, and elementary students in Kidscape experienced the love of Jesus in a fresh and vibrant atmosphere! Fantastic service and friendly faces made this a Sunday to remember. The energy was incredible! Thanks to all.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Busy Kids Order

Wow! All our stuff has arrived! I spent a good bit of the day unpacking and assembling play panels and the puppet station . Can't wait to see it all set up!
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What message will we send?

Everyday we send many messages to the children we come in contact with.
With our spoken words, actions, and attitudes we speak loudly into the lives of the little ones who listen so intently.
What message will we send this Sunday? As I busy myself with new toys, scheduling concerns, and making sure everything is in place, I am reminded of the most important things.
Each opportunity we get to serve the children and families of Mosaic we must communicate the love and greatness of Christ. With a smile, a gentle heart, and the right words we can send the only Message that matters: Jesus loves you and wants to be your friend!
As we prepare for the great things God has in store for us at our new location, remember to pray that nothing will speak louder than this truth.

Lakeshore Learning

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New Stuff!

I am so excited to announce the first shipment of "New Stuff" for Discovery Lane. I am unpacking and organizing new toys, books, and games the Family Ministry purchased for our great kids!These new materials are being organized into activity stations for the toddler and preschool rooms! From Puppets to Musical instruments this stuff will be loads of fun. Until Sunday....I'll be playing with the new toys!
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kidscape Summer Picnic

Spent the day with friends from Kidscape (elementary)
Everyone is so excited about the upcoming transition to Mallard Creek Highschool. We discussed ways to make the move smooth. The Family Ministry of Mosaic Church is Awesome. There are so many gifted and talented people with a heart to serve children and their families. I am so proud to be a part of such a creative team!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why Family Ministry?

There are so many ways to be active in service at Mosaic. Whether you greet with a smiling face, offer coffee and muffin tops, serve as a sound technician, usher people into the presence of God through worship, or lead a small group God has a place for you!

So why have you chosen Family Ministries as your area of service?

My personal experience in introducing children and families to Christ began when I was a kid myself. I just love witnessing the wonderment a child experiences when they first discover the awesomeness of Jesus. I have served in the Children's Ministry arena for more than 10 years.

When I first came to Mosaic and discovered so many ways to become involved I had a choice to make. Do I stay continue to work with kids or does God want to use me in a new way? The opportunities are limitless.

Jesus Loves children Mark 10

This story touches my heart in a special way that leads me to spend time with children. Once there were some mothers who were bringing their children to Jesus for him to touch and bless them. The disciples shooed them away so as not to bother Jesus. But of course our Lord invited the children to come and sit with him. I can imagine that he got down on the ground and sat near them. Touching and praying for their owies, and admiring the cool rock a little boy pulled from his sack. I have often wondered about the impact those few moments had on the children who were present. I imagine they grew up to have families of their own and to retell the story of how one day Jesus had taken the time to play with them and bless them with physical touch.

We have that same opportunity each weekend! To be the smile, and warmth of Jesus to the children at Mosaic. We can, by our actions, words, and kindness share with kids that God is an awesome God who wants to be their friend! We can encourage and strengthen families one hour at a time. We can partner with parents to introduce our children to a lifelong devotion to Christ Jesus.

Why have you chosen Family Ministries as your area of service?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Amazing Adventure

Never Forget that God has called you to your ministry! Research shows that from the ages of birth to five, children are the most impressionable. The values, beliefs, and behaviors that begin to form often stick with us throughout the course of our lives.By serving in Discovery Lane you have taken on a highly challenging, yet rewarding task.

God has an amazing adventure planned for us and for the children we reach each week! Lead with diligence, excellence and confidence, for you are not at work alone. God loves our children and the families we touch even more than we do.He wants the absolute best for them. That is why He called you!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A new blog.

A new blog. A new inspiration.