Monday, September 22, 2008

Sticky People Noted!

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Discoverylane @ Mosaic is one Sticky Team!
Sticky Volunteers are the ones who serve the families of Mosaic with a Heart to reach Kids with God's Love.
Some of you have been at it for a while!
Looking through Discoverylane Schedules over the last year it is easy to see those of you who continue to make an impact. Through thick and thin, the BIG relo, policy changes, leadership changes and room environments that keep it fresh you guys are committed in service.
It continues to be an exciting awesome year at Mosaic!
You guys are serving out of your passions, skills, and strengths and making a Huge impact on guests and family!
I am looking at this wonderful list of my friends and feeling very blessed.
A Big Shout Out to those of you who have been serving consistently for a long time, those we have added to our family recently, and check out the newest members on our Discoverylane Team joining us in Oct.
Every day I am looking at this list and praying and expecting God to add to our family. You guys are the greatest!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In the Beginning Jumping into God's Story

Jump In!

Over the course of the next year, our children will hear a sequential view of God's Story from the Bible. "In the Beginning " is an excellent curriculum developed by Willow Creek and used by thousands of children's ministries across the country.

We have just purchased "Jumping into God's Story". If you have been a volunteer in the Family ministry at Mosaic for a year or more you will recognize the format. During the next four weeks the format will stay the same. Each teacher will review the lesson section for your scheduled week and modify to teach the basics to your kids.

In five weeks we will take it up to the next level! Now that we are back in the cafeteria and have a large group area, we are kicking into high gear. Gary, a set up team volunteer, has agreed to design sets for each of the units. We will have similar props and stage design described in the curriculum. We want to create an environment for story time that is interesting and captures the attention of our great Kids. We will use props, drama, sound effects, and music to introduce great stories from the Bible that share the message of God's great love for us!

Do you love the teaching experience? I am searching for creative enthusiastic teachers to lead each unit and story time during your scheduled class. The basics will stay the same but the environment and activities will strengthen. Our main goal is to share the love of Jesus through stories from God's word that show and tell of his great love for us! The lesson is the most important part of our kids experience.

You can learn much more about the Mission/Vision and Guiding values here.

Be sure and check out this site! Whether you are a teacher, volunteer, nursery or Hub Team member it is a great idea to know all about what we desire for the families of Mosaic and their kids. Check It Out

Jump Into God's Story with us!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We are Family!

Who's in your circle? At Mosaic church you have the opportunity to be a part of a small group. Many of you already attend a small group on a weekly basis.
As a volunteer in Discoverylane you are more than a name in a timeslot on the monthly schedule! We are a part of a family too! You are an important member on our M. Kids Team. We desire to grow in relationship with one another as we serve together!
Each Sunday at 9:00 in the M.Kids hallway we meet for a brief time of prayer and encouragement. Be sure and join us as we share and grow in relationship. We are always here to support and encourage you and your family. Together we can help build up the families of Mosaic church.